We Couldn't Make it Any Easier
The quickest installation, without the need for any tools is PortHoleCover. Our patented design, 100% made in USA, PortHoleCovers are the perfect, custom fit solution to cover your yacht’s interior port lights.
Simply attach PortHoleCover using the velcro pads to your port hole hinges, and fasten the elasticated straps around the port light’s dogs - done.
An instant solution to covering your windows, creating perfect, dark sleeping conditions in your state room, privacy when docked or when you’re out on the sandbank.
PortHoleCover is constructed with trusted Sunbrella Marine fabric, and uses a tough, mold resistant black-out cover on the reverse. When not in use, you can keep them attached to the dogs, or completely remove them and store them flat under a seat, mattress or in your on-board closet.
Available in four standard colors and many sizes, guaranteed to fit effortlessly to portholes on Kadey Krogen Yachts, Fleming, Summit, American Tug, Sabre, Grand Banks and many other fine yachts.
Ask us about custom shapes and colors, or our suction cup model covers to attach to your galley doors, aft doors etc.
We welcome your OEM inquiries: sales@portholecover.com
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